Before planning ahead, here are some questions you may want to consider. Were you able to accomplish your previous-year goals? Did you run out of time? Did your wishes supersede reality? Did you set up too many goals? How do you know whether you accomplished your goal? Do you think you sort of accomplished your goals but you aren’t sure?
It is understandable that with the end of a year and the beginning of a new one you feel released and overjoyed. Old worries, stress, unwelcome people are left behind as if time would take care of them. Few days or weeks into the new year you feel boosted with energy, you are willing to organize and take care of your life again and, most of all, you feel pretty much capable of achieving new objectives. You are highly energized for a while until your daily routines slowly begin draining your much needed energy.
The main problem many people have when setting up their new-year goals is to focus on more than one goal at once. I’m not suggesting that everyone must set up one goal exclusively; however, for those who seem to quickly lose focus of their goals, focusing on one specific goal at once is the way to go. Of course you may want to write a short list of the goals you want to achieve over the year, but you must start with one achievable goal and then continue with the next one.
Additionally, once you feel accomplished with respect to your initial goal, your energy to undertake the second goal will be as high as when you undertook the first one. There is nothing better to enhance your confidence in the future than your own sense of accomplishment.
These are my suggestions for you to succeed in achieving your new-year goals.
1. Make sure your goal is as specific as possible, this means that you must specify the circumstance, habit, person, place, trouble, cost and feelings that you are trying to overcome, control, change, improve, let go, etc. If your goal is to improve your finances, this is a vague goal. Working with your finances entails many circumstances, people, places, habits etc. A more specific goal would be “I will spend $50 less every week in buying lunch,” or “I will increase my income by $500.”
2. Make sure that when you set up a goal, you think of a way to measure your accomplishment. If your goal involves finances you already know that a dollar amount will be a way to measure whether you accomplished your goal or not. However if your goal does not apparently involve a way of measuring it, you would like to think of a way to measure your personal satisfaction regarding your goal. You can set up your own satisfaction or sense of accomplishment scale. For instance, in the scale from 1 to 10 you can rate your level of satisfaction before and after achieving your goal.
3. Consider your goal to be something attainable, within realistic parameters. If you think about improving your finances and you choose to focus on increasing your savings, consider a realistic dollar amount you can put into your saving account every paycheck. Considering a dollar amount that is beyond your possibilities would be a wishful goal.
4. In setting up your goal always remember how much energy and effort you are able to devote to it. Think about all other commitments in your life, in other words, achieving your goal shouldn’t cause you excessive stress and discomfort. If your goal is to save extra money based on your current income, you shouldn’t have to skip one meal a day in order to achieve it.
5. Set up a time frame around your goal, consider the beginning and end dates and include periodic checkpoints. If your goal is to save $80 a month for instance, consider setting up baby goals, $20 per week, $40 biweekly, etc. These are your checkpoints. The ideal way to follow up on your goal’s time frame is to write it down on a calendar and keep it on a visible place.
Good Luck!
The first step in emotional healing is to Identify your emotional drives. Recognize the negative emotions you experience on a daily basis. Negative feelings destroy you, take away your much needed energy and keep you stuck in situations, with people and in life.
First, I recommend that you write a list of the negative feelings you experience throughout the day, sadness, anger, jealousy, etc. List them all. The following day put a check mark or tally next to the feelings that you experience again. Do the same on the third day. If you notice that you experience most of the feeling you listed on three consecutive days, continue this activity for a whole week. Your goal is to narrow down the number of persistent negative feelings over a period of time, take the necessary time. Do you notice any pattern?
Next, highlight three feelings that seem to never go away, this is your negative emotional pattern. Does it tell you anything about you? If you notice that more than three feelings recur on a daily basis, choose only three to focus on. I strongly suggest that you pick the ones that cause the worst discomfort in you, the ones that drain you and prompt other feelings to appear.
Last, write these feelings on a new sheet. These feelings are screaming at you, they want your complete attention. Not only do they want to be acknowledged but also they want you to listen to them and to speak to them. Out of these three feelings, choose the one that you feel needs immediate attention. You’ll work on the others later. You are now going to look at this particular feeling closely every time you experience it. Every time you feel it, list the circumstances around it, the places, the people, the time in the day, your thinking at the moment, your body’s sensations. All pieces of information around this feeling are important.
Once you are fully aware of when, how, with, whom, etc. this feeling is experienced, you will be ready to release it along with the circumstances attached to it. Think of the circumstances as the setting in a story, the story is your life and you are the main character. The story may not change immediately but you will change the impact of this negative feeling in your daily life. Once you accomplish this, you will be on your way to change the story.
At some time in your busy day find a quiet place where you feel calm and safe. Have someone read the following steps to you or record them on your phone and play them back. Recording and playing them has always worked for me.
- Breathe deeply but comfortably, breathe naturally, do not force your breathing.
- Close your eyes or keep them open but relax your sight.
- In your mind play back all the events when you experienced this negative feeling, let the slideshow play.
- Check on your breathing and your body’s tension, make sure you are calm and relaxed all the time.
- Repeat or listen to the following statements thoroughly.
- “Name the feeling,” I’m fully aware of you and I want you to listen to me.
- “Name the feeling,” I understand that I allowed you in my life but you no longer serve any purpose.
- “Name the feeling,” I thank you for teaching me about myself, others and situations.
- “Name the feeling,” it is time for you to go back where you belong.
- “Name the feeling,” I release you to your highest source now.
- Slowly bring yourself back to the physical place where you are. Do so by looking at your surroundings and by feeling your feet on the floor. Good luck!
How do you create the life you want?
I’ve been asked this question quite often. Almost every client I’ve worked with is unclear about this possibility. Explained in simple terms, in a sixgrader’s language, if you aren’t satisfied about who you are, where you are, what you do, what you have, or who you are with, you ought to create a new life by the following means.
1. Changing the way you think and feel about yourself, the way you look, the way you act, etc.
2. Changing your living spaces, physically and emotionally, this may include your job.
3. Changing things you do for yourself and others either as obligation or amusement.
4. Setting realistic goals in all needed areas, finances, relationships, health, etc.
5. Accepting people and situations you can’t change and letting them go, moving on.
6. Attracting the people you want into your life.
I’ve been asked this question quite often. Almost every client I’ve worked with is unclear about this possibility. Explained in simple terms, in a sixgrader’s language, if you aren’t satisfied about who you are, where you are, what you do, what you have, or who you are with, you ought to create a new life by the following means.
1. Changing the way you think and feel about yourself, the way you look, the way you act, etc.
2. Changing your living spaces, physically and emotionally, this may include your job.
3. Changing things you do for yourself and others either as obligation or amusement.
4. Setting realistic goals in all needed areas, finances, relationships, health, etc.
5. Accepting people and situations you can’t change and letting them go, moving on.
6. Attracting the people you want into your life.
Good Luck!
This is a message I channeled from my mother soon after she returned home.
“I am in a place where you experience overwhelming feelings, a place where you encounter the most unimaginable beings and interact with forms of energy you can never see or feel in the physical world.
To enter this spiritual world or state of consciousness, you must come from a state of complete acceptance and deep gratitude for the people you shared your life with, the places you lived in and the experiences that shaped your physical existence. Understand that you encountered the best possible people and circumstances in order to evolve and pave your way back here.
You must also accept and feel grateful for the opportunity you earned to return here. This is a well-deserved place for everyone who is ready to return. Acceptance and gratitude for both, the physical and the spirit worlds, is paramount to experience an easy and smooth transition between both worlds. If your intent is to support someone who may soon depart from the physical world, remember to help the person attain acceptance and gratitude.”
- Blessings